Invitation to join the CASTOR resistance in Germany this November
Hi dear anti-nuclear friends! November 24, a transport of high level radioactive waste, so called „Castor“ containers, will be shipped from La Hague in France to Gorleben in Germany. Massive resistance is expected to stop this dangerous shipment, and to push the authorities and industry to immediately phase-out nuclear power.
We want to invite you to join us in the „Wendland“ region, the destination of the Castor transport. We are going to prepare a framework for international guests of the Castor resistance to come in contact with other English speakers and to help you to understand what is going on there. We will have a common meeting point where you can sleep, get food and information about actions and possibilities to join the protests.
The anti-nuclear protests against the Castor transports are unique. You will get to know a supportive atmosphere as the residents of the county are mainly supporting the protesters, while thousands of anti-nuclear activists will travel to the region to blockade the shipment. Some 20,000 policemen will „protect“ the transport, which means they want to prevent actions blockading the radioactive shipment. However, in the past most actions succeeded delaying the transport. Actions will take place from France to Germany along the hundreds of kilometers of tracks the train has to take to the city Dannenberg in the Wendland region. There the containers will be loaded onto trucks to make the last 20 kilometers to the interim repository in Gorleben on the roads.
Blockades are proposed to take place on the tracks before Lueneburg on public tracks used also by other trains, on the „Castor tracks“ between Lueneburg and Dannenberg only used for the nuclear industry during these days, and on the roads to Gorleben. A number of organizations, alliances and groups already announced public actions in the Wendland region. The variety of activities is broad. You will find sit-in blockades, lock-on actions, climbing activists, barricades, creative farmers blocking streets with their tractors and much more.
We are offering to explore and join this colourful and creative resistance with each other, figuring out together what actions fit you, or just to visit actions to make experiences and get inspired for your own activities back home.
There will be some German activists who want to accompany and support the international guests. We will try to organize additional means to make it easier to get to interesting places, and there will probably be chances to speak about your anti-nuclear expertise or the fights you have in your region. For the local resistance it is also positive if we can show that the international community is supporting the anti-nuclear resistance and that it is not only a German struggle. It would also be a sign to the international public that anti-nuclear movements are supporting each other in Gorleben, and that we will do it in other places, too.
Find out more on our English website providing some basic informationabout this year’s Castor resistance. We will add more materials during the next weeks: http://castor2011.nuclear-heritage.net
- Please respond to join@castor2011.nuclear-heritage.net to tell whether you are interested in our invitation to Germany. We will try to support you as good as possible, but have to know as soon as possible about your needs.
Quelle: http://castor2011.nuclear-heritage.net